Hello, I'm new here. I think this will be my journal. >.<


Buttered Bread Journal


I really have to find a new job, whenever I work my right eye starts to twitch. On my days off my eye doesn't twitch.I guess that's my body's way of telling me to stop working here. I hate having to search, apply and interview for a new job though. Not really sure I have the energy for that either. I feel drained. I envy the people who seem like they have so much energy and motovation to work. But I do not want to ever become a workaholic...


I'm still not really sure how to use this website, I am used to tumblr. I did learn some coding then, back in 2011 when my tumblr account was popular. It still exists but I rarely go on there, it feels kind of tainted with bad vibes and i wanted to start something new here.


I love butter
